Geospatial Research
GIScience and geospatial technologies provide a significant value-added component to established research thrusts at K-State, can lead to innovative interdisciplinary research programs, and serve as an effective tool to enhance community engagement.

Distributed and Diverse Geospatial Research
Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and geospatial technology is integral to the success of many critical research programs at Kansas State University, including those dealing with aspects of agricultural biosecurity, ecology, environmental security, strategic cultural intelligence, food safety and security, research on groundwater-based economies, civic discourse and democracy, human dimensions of global environmental change, and natural resource sustainability.
Faculty and staff researchers are positioned in several colleges across the K-State campus. Examples of current areas of expertise include satellite remote sensing, cartography and geographic visualization, ecosystem informatics, spatiotemporal modeling and geocomputation, rural resource sustainbility, precision agriculture, and water resources. Emerging areas of expertise include public health GIS, spatial epidemiology, and UAV development.