About the GIScience Virtual Collaboratory
This site serves the K-State GIScience community by sharing geospatial research, training opportunities, people, and facilities. This site also serves as the university's membership portfolio for the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).

Help Shape the Geospatial Revolution!
Geographic Information Science (GIScience) underpins the wise use of geospatial technologies and methods, including GIS, acquisition and analysis of remotely-sensed imagery, cartography and visualization, and spatial analysis and modeling.
K-State offers a comprehensive GIScience curriculum including GIS and remote sensing, GIS applications, computer science, and statistical/spatial analysis. Students also have the opportunity to pursue a B.S. in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) or earn an Undergraduate Certificate in GIS or Graduate Certificate in GIScience in conjunction with their major field of study.
Areas of research expertise at K-State include satellite remote sensing, cartography and geographic visualization, ecosystem informatics, spatiotemporal modeling and geocomputation, rural resource sustainability, agriculture, and water resources. Emerging areas of expertise include public health GIS, spatial epidemiology, and UAV development.